วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

The "Why" of Book Collecting - Our Need to Own Great Books

"We collect, therefore we are," an appraiser once told me. She may have been right on some level, but this simple, philosophical paraphrase only hints at the real hypothesize behind our need to own great books.

There are two types of citizen when it comes to books: collectors and readers.

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I'll start with readers, going in reverse order, as they are not our main subject of concern, but are nonetheless important for us to reconsider here. Most readers are in the book game to read the article of the books they come in caress with. Many collectors fall into this type for some of their reading, as do citizen who read for enjoyment. Some readers go to extremes, mutilating books as they read them: dog-earing pages, dripping sauces on them, or otherwise mauling the book as they go. Many readers rarely or never own books of their own, preferring the public library or book exchanges.

In short, readers are citizen who enjoy books for their content, their entertainment value, and for their usefulness as tools. They are consumers of books, not lovers of the books for their own sake. Obviously, many citizen who enjoy books are not collectors and many collectors are not admittedly readers either. There is some overlap, though, which is why it was important for us to reconsider readers before thoughprovoking on to our main subject of concern.


"Collectors see beauty and art in their books beyond just the words contained within them"

People who get books do so for varying reasons. Most will agree that books have an aesthetic value: their look, feel, even the "ambiance" or "mood" they emit by their jacket and cover designs and general appearance. Some collectors get the data contained in the books themselves, with exiguous concern for the condition of the cover or bindings. Others are bankers, concerned only the book's inherent resale value in the current collector's market. Still more are "fans" who get only books by singular authors. Many of us incorporate several of these traits into our collection's allinclusive theme.

Owning a rare, vintage, or collectible book is a grand caress for any collector. After all, anyone can go into a book store and buy a current edition of Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, but not everybody owns a first edition printing and even fewer own the even rarer first edition English printing (printed before the American version of this work)! Owning a first edition, English printing that is in nearly pristine condition? Nearly priceless by even Sotheby's standards.

Most collectors, no matter their hypothesize for collecting, tend to take care of their books, some getting quite construe in doing so. After all, to us, a book is another member of our family and should be cared for. You would take specific care of that Monet painting, if you had one, so why not your early edition of Spyri's Heidi?

Often, collectors see beauty and art in their books beyond just the words contained within them. For me, it's the smell of an old book, the firm and delicate feel of its binding in my hands as I considered turn the pages, and the knowledge that what's in the book I'm keeping may not be available everywhere else, because later editions are often "modernized" or edited by the printer for assorted reasons.

Many times, a book with the signature or a hand-penned note from the author are also highly prized members of a collection. This signature and personal writing gives the collector a personal association with the author and ads to the provenance of the book itself, normally raising its value.

Your reasons for loving and collecting books may be dissimilar than mine, but no doubt you have a hypothesize that is compelling sufficient for you to spend your time and resources in acquiring and protecting them. The returns, as you may well know, are greater than the sum of your input. Like children and pets, books are objects of adoration, love, and endless sources of happiness for us as collectors.

Beyond this, many collectors see themselves as belonging to a select group of individuals. If you own one of only 200 existing copies of a rare edition, you are a part of that very small group. If there are only fifteen existing copies of an highly rare collectible, you are in league with libraries of large caliber, universities, museums, and very proud collectors. There is more to collecting than just the words and bindings, but that does not cover it all. For us, as collectors, there is something more, something intangible to the books we love.

That is why we get books, really. Like all humans, we enjoy gorgeous things. We see beauty in bindings, covers, and most of all in words. We have a love for the written word and the books that convey them that may be unusual to some people, but to us, it's approximately indescribable. They have their Tvs and their luxury cars. We have our books.

As Henry Ward Beecher once said, "Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house."

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